Companyregister Holdorf S

Saarberg Ralf Zahnarzt

Dentist in Holdorf

Sachverständigenbüro f. Kommunikation EDV u. Elektrotechnik Dipl.-Ing.

Electrotechnical Units and Equipment in Holdorf

Schlarmann GmbH, Udo Fliesen

Tile in Holdorf

Schlarmann KG


Schlarmann Otto Hausmeister

Building Management in Holdorf

Schmidt GmbH

Bakeries and Pastry Shops in Holdorf

Schnieders Taxi

Taxis in Holdorf


Transport in Holdorf


Driving Schools in Holdorf

Schumacher H.

Sanitary Facilities in Holdorf

Schützenverein Handorf-Langenberg von 1959 e.V.

Associations in Holdorf

Schützenverein Holdorf v. 1861 e.V.

Associations in Holdorf

Schwertmann Mastbetrieb

Pig Farms in Holdorf

SFB Fleisch- u. Kühlcentrale GmbH & Co KG Kühlhäuser

Warehouses and Refrigerated Storage in Holdorf


Gas Stations in Holdorf

Slawikowski Eduard

Hair Salon in Holdorf

SMW Maschinen- und Werkzeugbau GmbH & Co. KG


Sport Böckmann GmbH

in Holdorf

Sport Böckmann GmbH

Sporting Goods in Holdorf

Springer Hallenbau GmbH & Co. KG

Warehouse Construction in Holdorf

Stahlbaumontage Middendorf GmbH


Stärk Carmen

Physiotherapy in Holdorf

Stickfort Wolfgang u. Dagmar Second-Hand

Second-hand Stores in Holdorf

Strunk Josef Agrarhandel

Agriculture in Holdorf


Fast Food Restaurant in Holdorf

SV Handorf-Langenberg

Associations in Holdorf

Sych Gisela

Craftwork and Supplies in Holdorf